The Tears, The Failures, The Garbage – My Life Story

Every Failure is a step to success

This might be kind of a neat time to share a little bit of my personal story with you. And so, I thought I’d share a little bit of that and maybe you…

Motivation or Willpower for Change

Motivation or Willpower for Change

Motivation is an emotion that feels real good and allows you to take initiative. When it runs out, rely on purpose and behavioral changes to keep going.

SCREW PASSION the Biggest Fraud in Career Discovery


Enjoy passion but also screw passion! It’s the biggest fraud in career discovery. It will lead you into all sorts of fun, crazy dreams, but it won’t last.

Need to Up Your Engagement & Motivation at Work?

Employee Engagement Killers 1

WORK: Unmotivated? Disengaged? It’s Your Fault and It’s Time For Change! Employee engagement and motivation has always been an important aspect of the workplace which has a direct bearing on the performance and productivity of the workforce. However, Gallup research pointed out that several companies have disengaged employees with low motivation; it further reported that only about … Read more

Are you an Over-Thinker? A process for people who call themselves “Over-Thinkers”!


In all honesty, I do not believe that there is such a thing as an “over-thinker” or “over-thinking”. Some people need to process differently than others but that doesn’t mean that all thinking is useful. I think Einstein and Da Vinci were probably great thinkers. They likely spent a lot of time simply thinking. I … Read more

100% Success for New Years Goal Setting: Get Started Right NOW!

New Years Card Messaging business pattern

Happy New Year! It’s time to get started on your New Years Goals. If you want 100% Success for your New Years Goals here is what you need to do. Choose a goal setting model. There are so many goal setting models out there so I’m going to keep this super simple: PICK ONE AND … Read more

LEADERS: Stop Obsessing Over Loyalty, focus on Team Envy and Cohesion Instead

Laid Off Packing Up Office

Each year organizations lose billions of dollars due to employee turnover. Quite surprisingly, most of it is actually voluntary, and one starts to wonder, what has happened to employee loyalty. In a workforce survey conducted recently, more than 91% of the respondents agreed that they can’t stay with their current organization for more than three … Read more

What if All I Want is a Mediocre Life

average name

“What is the meaning of life? To be happy and useful. ~ Dalai Lama Recently I read a beautiful piece titled “What if all I want is a mediocre life”.  The writer emphasized that the world is always pushing us to be better, to hustle, to improve, strive for excellence. The mandate we so often … Read more

Remember Your Future, Not Your Past

Patrick and Family

Dr. Patrick Gentempo sends out an email once a week called “Flash Friday’s”. These usually have a thought provoking quote written by him.  Here is one of his Flash Friday’s that really impacted me: Achievement as a byproduct of a specific purpose, requires a vivid memory… not of the past, but who you are in … Read more

The New Currency for Millennials


Millennials are a generation influenced by Reality TV, ad YouTube stars. They are used to seeing fame and purpose come in short periods of time. What is a Millennial? I suspect you know this by now; however, an article written by Dr. Jill Novak, University of Phoenix, Texas A&M University has a good description of … Read more

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