[VIDEO] The Best Video Interviewing Tips: Part 5 Tips For You

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Check out this great video on interviewing. This is part 5 in a five part series.


Check out the transcript below!

Karmal – In an interview itself, you can’t have loads of paper in front of you, but on a video interview, you can.

Christopher – What tips would you give to people who might have to go out and do an interview? What are the one, two, or three key things that’s, like, if I was to do this again, here’s exactly what I would differently and here’s what I would tell people out in the internet world?

Karmal – I think what I missed a lot with the company that I was working for, sorry, that I was interviewing for, not working for, I should’ve gone a bit more to their website and put down a bit more of their keywords off their website because I was going through and answering,

and often in an interview, I’ve done some research because you’re in front of people, so I missed out on that on this one because I wasn’t thinking about the types of questions they were gonna ask. I was thinking more about, oh my goodness, it’s a video, I’ve not done this before.

Christopher – I guess the tip is, for that tip, it’s don’t get overwhelmed–

Karmal – Right.

Christopher – But the fact that it’s a video interview–

Karmal – Right.

Christopher – Do everything that you would normally do for an interview and then also focus on

the technicalities of doing a

Karmal – That’s right, and take advantage of the fact that it is video and write a bunch of stuff

down because in an interview itself you can’t have loads of paper in front of you but on a video interview you can.

Christopher – Yes, yes.

Karmal – So there’s lot of stuff that I could have prepped ahead of time and had in front of me, just as keywords and little notes or whatever that was needed. 

Christopher – To show your competencies. Yeah, that’s right, yeah. What about the software itself? So advanced prep, and that kind of thing, but do you have a tip around kind of the software or, you know you said you were bouncing from screen to screen, I’m curious how you would have managed that?

Karmal -I think I would have probably propped my actual camera up a bit higher because it would have, the video, the stuff I needed to see was at the top of the screen. So if I had propped the camera up a bit, propped it up on some books or whatever, then it probably would’ve been a bit better that would have looked like I was looking at the camera a bit more when I was monitoring the time. And so the recording starts automatically, you can start it

beforehand but when you hit that ninety seconds that recording starts, so you really have to pay attention to your time countdowns and stuff on the screen.

Christopher – Yeah, thank you for that Karmal.

[VIDEO] The Best Video Interviewing Tips: Part 4 Likes / Dislikes

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Check out this great video on interviewing. Be sure to check back next week for Part 5 of this five part series.


Check out the transcript below!

Christopher – When you’re in an interview with a person who’s asking questions and there’s rapport established and there’s a level of comfort, your answers are different or at least you respond differently than when you’re behind a video. From your own experience like, what did you like about the video interview?

Karmal – I liked it because you have the 90 seconds to think about things and write things down whereas in a face to face interview you can’t go excuse me for a minute or two, I just need to write some stuff down.

Christopher – Can you set a timer for 90 seconds, yeah.

Karmal – So it was good that I could think about things and jot some little notes down in between before I actually answered the question.

Christopher – What did you not like about it?

Karmal – I think it was the actual recording itself, the fact that you couldn’t play it back and there was no way to rerecord or see even if you didn’t, how you couldn’t rerecord it, at least you could see it back.

Christopher – Which would be very true of a real interview ’cause once you say it, you say it.

Karmal – That’s right.

Christopher – It’s interesting though because I do think that there is a difference between when you’re in an interview with a person who’s asking questions and there’s rapport established and there’s a level of comfort, your answers are different or at least you respond differently than when you’re behind a video like the reason why I’m sitting beside you today instead of doing just me, like and why I often don’t like to do videos by myself is because I perform differently if it’s not just a conversation. Like this feels natural and so what I’m saying is more authentic.

Karmal – Right.

Christopher – But when I’m in front of a video, it feels scripted and I’m afraid I’m gonna forget things and this kind of thing so I’m wondering if that was kind of your–

Karmal – It was and you know, in my head I’m going look at the camera, look at the camera right so and you’re trying to stay centered and also in an interview process you can see their kinda facial expressions if  they don’t like your answer then you can kind of switch part way through and–

Christopher – Yeah how can you tell ’cause your camera lens, this is a really good point. Your camera lens would be the eye contact that they might be looking for and so I think jeez what

a disadvantage maybe because if you’re not used to looking– At a camera. Right into the lens like even now I wonder how we’re doing because that’s the lens right there you know but it’s like I probably looked all over the device and looked out at the window here because there’s nobody in front of us. So what didn’t you like about?

Karmal – I’d say that the biggest thing is, again you don’t get any feedback in that way so that was the biggest downfall for me not being able to get that feedback as your– Just through body language. So you’re hoping that you’re answering the questions to the best of your ability and getting everything in that you need to get in. And there’s the time limit right? When you’re in an interview it takes you five to seven minutes to answer a question because you’ve lots to

say then that’s okay.

Christopher – Yup.

Karmal – Should’ve gone a bit more to their website and put down a bit more of their keywords off their website.

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