Happy New Year everyone!
As we start off a New Year, I think most of us take the time to ponder and envision the things that are important to us. Some call them resolutions, or goals, or plans – whatever resonates for you – but they are all about what and where we want to put our focus and precious energy this year.
Recently, I was in the company of a group of amazing ladies as we discussed life, what works, what doesn’t and what makes us feel better and how to make that happen going forward!
We all had common complaints: lack of sleep, waking up in the night and trying to solve all of our challenges – real and perceived (and realizing the list is very long!); wanting everyone in our lives to be well and thriving, and the lengths we will go to try to make that happen, sometimes to the detriment of ourselves. And the realization that we can be pulled in many different directions, while not being fully present for any of them.
But one of the biggest aha’s from the gathering was how much we all loved the connection with each other – the feeling of community and support with like-minded beautiful spirits. We all said that we can feel that we are alone in our quest to “make everything okay, get everything done”, but to laugh, joke, share, listen, be heard in any situation, on any day, is very precious,
So, for me, I am heading into this new year with a vow to be more present – not get caught up so much in worrying just about the “doing” – but instead, capturing all of that energy and redirecting it to being present to the people and the situations in my life that are important and precious. Because – they matter. And as I am practicing this I am aware and truly surprised how much time I actually have – it’s not just speeding past me. I would recommend giving it a try.
I also wanted to also share an article I came across called “Micro-Inequities: Little Things that Make a Big Difference”– and it is all about communication and inclusivity (community). Some of this may make you feel a tad uncomfortable –and that is because we can recognize patterns and behaviors we do ourselves! And also, because we all could to do better when it comes to treating people like they matter (because they do).
Below are a few excerpts from this article, but please do click here to get the whole story – the good news is that by the time you’re done reading it, you’ll have some great information and tools to make your daily experiences richer. Enjoy!
“Let’s play a game! Ready? Have you ever…
- Put your phone on the table while having a meal/meeting with someone?
- Texted or emailed during a meeting?
- Checked your phone while someone was talking to you?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, keep reading. If you answered yes to all of the questions above, get comfortable. There’s something you should know.
These acts or behaviors are micro-inequities. Micro-inequities are acts that demoralize, marginalize, or demean a person. They may or may not be intended, but regardless they carry weight and have significant impact.
Micro-inequities aren’t always blatant or noticeable. A lot of times they can be subtle, and the truth is you’ve probably done it or had it done to you – most likely both.
Micro-inequities are usually displayed through the use of gestures, words, treatment, and/or tone of voice. Why do we use them? Well, it typically comes from our own internal biases. Think you’re unbiased? Think again. The truth is we all have biases. But it doesn’t mean those biases excuse or allow an unfavorable behavior.
Here are a few more examples of micro-inequities:
- “Harmless” jokes (that aren’t really harmless)
- Greeting one co- worker more enthusiastically than another
- Showing up late to a meeting or leaving early because of your schedule
- Disregarding someone’s comments during a group discussion or meeting
Any of those sound familiar? You’re not alone. But now that you know, you can be more aware and improve the behavior.
How? By using micro-affirmations. What are micro-affirmations? Here’s the simplest definition: Treat people like they matter.
That’s it! Small inclusive gestures can change a person’s entire experience and perception for the better, and it’s such a small investment on your part with an extremely high return on investment. Why?
Here are three examples of micro-affirmations you can implement immediately:
- Make supportive comments when others share comments in a meeting or discussion.
- Take the time to truly listen. Eye contact is a bonus. (However, staring is creepy.)
- Address people by name. Let’s pretend you’re talking to Kate. Instead of, “Hey!” try, “Hi, Kate!”
Why do micro-affirmations matter?
Micro-affirmations boost morale and improve relationships. In the workplace, it also increases performance. See? Little investment, big reward. It spreads from one person to the next.
Whether you work on your own or with a team, why not make a positive contribution? Before you know it, you’ll notice how your daily experiences become more pleasant, engaging, fun, and even easier. And really, who couldn’t use a little more of that?”
www.Kate Northrup.com
Catherine Munro is the Chief of Staff and Joy Facilitator at Change My Life Coaching and Change My Business Coaching. Catherine’s role as Chief of Staff is to give Executive Support to our CEO and Chief Value Officer. She is the go-to resource for the senior team to lead key corporate initiatives and to get special projects done which promote and support our corporate goals, mission and vision, as well as managing the day-to-day of the executive office. Catherine’s role as Joy Facilitator is to lead, support and articulate the culture of Change My Life Coaching and Change My Business Coaching and to be there for our clients, from their first initial contact and as they move through their coaching journey. You can reach her at [email protected]
In addition, Catherine is a Master Reiki practitioner with In Quiet Company (www.inquietcompany.com)